Empowering girls leaving care to build bright futures

Preparation support for girls still in care

Beyond our front-line mentoring and support, we provide preparation support for girls still in care through one-day events within the girls’ existing education or alternative education setting. We aim to create an awareness of what’s happening to their brain as they progress through adolescence. This also acts as their introduction to Spark Sisterhood and how we can support them, post-care.
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"Spark Sisterhood for me represents trust and the reassurance you will be listened to, not judged, and that your worries no matter how big or small mean something. It’s offering hope to young girls, a feeling of protection and family from the sisterhood."


16 years old

"My time in the care system was a while ago, but I truly wish that Spark Sisterhood existed for me when I was leaving care. Leaving care was a scary experience. I wish I had the mentoring and the support they will provide for this generation of care leavers and for future care leavers."


45 years old

Empowering girls leaving care to build bright futures

Empowering girls leaving care to build bright futures

Empowering girls leaving care to build bright futures

Empowering girls leaving care to build bright futures

Your donation can make a real difference in the lives of girls leaving care. Join us in supporting Spark Sisterhood and help us empower the next generation of remarkable women. Together, we can change lives.

Empowering girls leaving care to build bright futures

Empowering girls leaving care to build bright futures

Empowering girls leaving care to build bright futures

Empowering girls leaving care to build bright futures

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Your support will make the difference

Your donation can make a real difference in the lives of girls leaving care. Join us in supporting Spark Sisterhood and help us empower the next generation of remarkable women. Together, we can change lives.